How to assign roles & set permissions on your Discord server ?

One of the first duties you need to do after creating a Discord server is configuring roles and permissions. This is an smooth system that lets you create user organizations that can provide your Discord members get right of entry to to specific elements of the server. In this guide, we’ll be going over how to create roles, the way to assign roles, and the way to follow permissions to each cl asses and channels.

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A function is what sets what permissions and access a Discord member has on a server. Each member can have more than a unmarried role. Server owners do no longer require a function considering that they have international permissions and get right of entry to.

  • Click at the arrow drop-down icon next to the server call at the top of Discord.
  • Choose “Server Settings”.
  • Choose “Roles” from the menu at the left. (The @anybody position is the default function assigned by using the server to every body who would not have a hard and fast role.)
  • Click on the +.
    You can then supply the newly created role a call, color, and set permissions that will be implemented server-wide. Channel and category-set permissions will override role permissions, so use these as a baseline for the way much get right of entry to have to be granted.
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